How Autumn Air Impacts Asthma and Allergy Sufferers

How does the autumn air affect those with asthma and allergies?

Allergies and asthma can have flares anytime throughout the year depending on what the triggers are for that person. Changes in seasons bring out different allergens into the environment. In the fall, ragweed and mold are the top contributors to allergies. These allergens stimulate the allergic response that cause a lot of the symptoms we experience like sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy eyes.


How does the change in season influence our health?

The changes in the seasons can have multiple effects on us. Allergies is just one of the ways we are affected. Some of the other ways it can affect us is our mood, sleep cycles, and immune system. 5% of people can have a decrease in their mood caused by the winter season. This is associated with decreased exposure to sunshine. Sleep cycles are also affected because as the length of the day increases or decreased so does our natural sleep cycle. Changes in the seasons can also affect our weight as our metabolisms decrease in the fall and winter seasons. The last thing to consider is that during the winter months our skin trends to be drier. This can make things like itching and eczema worse.

What are safety recommendations for those who are vulnerable to the change in weather/air?

The best thing you can do during this season is listen to your body and always keep your chronic medications well stocked. This includes inhalers, creams and medications both prescribed and over the counter. If the usual over the counter medications are not working or if you notice something change go and speak with your doctor. They can examine you and determine if this is allergies, a viral infections, a bacterial infection or something else completely. That way you can get the appropriate treatment you need.